Asheville Integrative Acupuncture is now Heart Song Acupuncture! the practice is now led by Jodi Lefkowitz, L.Ac. While some things are shifting, the same high-quality, personalized care will continue in the same location. Explore the site to learn more and book your next treatment today!
We would love to hear from you! You may use this form to reach out with any questions or concerns, or to express interest in scheduling a consultation. You are also welcome to book a consult call through the patient portal by clicking any "Get Started" or "Book Now" button!
24 Sardis Rd.
Suite F
Asheville, NC 28806
Getting Here
We want to make getting here as easy as possible for you! Please see our directions, and do not hesitate to reach out if you get lost along the way!
My office is located on the second floor, at the far left end of the building. There is ample parking available right out front for your convenience.
To reach the second floor:
Use the staircase located at the front and center of the building for quicker access.
If you require an elevator, you'll find it on the far right end of the building. Please note that it can be a bit finicky and slow at times, so I kindly ask for your patience if you choose this option.
Feel free to reach out if you need additional assistance finding your way!